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European Circuit Annual Conference – Berlin – Sunday 20th to Monday 21st September 2015

This year, our annual conference will take place in Berlin in association with the Berliner Anwaltverein (Berlin Bar Association).  The title of this year’s conference is “International Litigation – Comparative Approaches”. There will be social events, a visit to a local court and discussion of common issues and problems among colleagues from differing legal traditions.

As always, the conference is designed to support and facilitate the exchange of experience among lawyers with a cross-border practice. The annual event brings together practitioners from across Europe and provides an invaluable opportunity to meet and network.

The initial programme is available to download here

The registration form is available to download here. In recognition of the Berlin Bar’s helpful assistance in organising this event, no registration fee will be charged to German delegates.

If you require any further information, please e-mail Carol Barnsley, Circuit Administrator –

We hope that you can join us for this exciting event!


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