Rome (19 – 20 October 2006)
The 2006 Annual Conference was held in Rome in October. The Conference theme was in two parts: “Strategic Issues in International Litigation” and “Living Law: The Innovative Role of Case Law”, and was accredited for 8.5 CPD hours.
By way of overview, the conference comprised:
* Thursday 19 October
Evening: Welcome Reception
* Friday 20 October
Morning: Visit to the Italian Supreme Court
Afternoon: “Strategic Issues in International Litigation”
Evening: Dinner at Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne
* Saturday 21 October
Morning: with “Living Law: The Innovative Role of Case Law”.
Informal Lunch
The conference was held in conjunction with the Cassa Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza Forense and the Consiglio Nazionale Forense, with the participation of the American Counsel Association and the British Italian Lawyers Association.
Rome – Venues and Hotel
Hotel Cicerone Booking Form
Rome Programme