Our third Annual Lecture was given by Professor Dr Reinhard Zimmermann FBA FRSE
entitled “The Proposed Codification of European
Sales on Law: Some Critical Comments” on 12th July 2012, at 39 Essex Street Chambers.
Professor Zimmermann is
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private
Law at Hamburg. The subject matter was very much of the moment, as the
Commission’s proposed Regulation on a Common European Sales Law (CESL)
continues to provoke controversy. Is it
a welcome simplification of a complex and conflicting mass of national sales
laws, or an opportunistic assault on consumer protection? Professor Zimmermann took a thorough and insightful look at the
disagreements surrounding the CESL and whether the EU institutions are
right to be proceeding with the proposal in its current form. Our thanks to him and to 39 Essex Street for hosting this very stimulating event.